From Koblenz: A Handwerkskammer Special Edition featuring Austin Sister Cities

Austin received an official delegation from our sister city Koblenz, Germany in May 2017. One of the delegates was Mark Scherhag, Vice President of the Handelskammer. Read his trip recap in the Special Issue of the Handwerkskammer Magazine in German here (page 10/11) or in English below: 


Lived Partnership

Sister City Arrangement Koblenz-Austin Celebrates 25th Anniversary

There are 8458 km. between Koblenz and Austin, the capital of Texas. Both cities share a 25-year old sister city arrangement. Political current events, especially these days, definitely influence whether Germany and the U.S. feel close or distant to each other. Beyond the big politics however, personal connections between citizens of both cities define the relationship with each other. HwK (Handwerkskammer [Chamber of crafts]) Vice President Mark Scherhag recently experienced how good it is.

“Everyone welcomed us warmly, and we constantly sensed how lively the sister city arrangement was spiritedly acted out throughout its inhabitants,” Mark Scherhag enthusiastically stated after his return from Texas. Together with government and business representatives from Koblenz, the Chamber of Crafts (HwK) Vice President, and automotive industrialist traveled to Austin from the Rhine-Mosel city. The travel schedule included conversations with Mayor Steve Alder as well as with meetings with entrepreneurs, education representatives, or even with a former motor-vehicle apprentice who was trained as a motor-vehicle mechanic at Autohaus Scherhag.

In 1995, Chris Hofmayer went from Austin to Koblenz and began his training at Autohaus Scherhag. Back then, the sister city arrangement was only three years old. 

For the high school graduate, the trip across the pond to “good old Germany” was more than just a professional step. Many personal contacts shaped his apprenticeship, and the Texan talks about numerous friendships he maintains to this day.

Furthermore, he came to know and appreciate the values of the dual-track education. Today, Hofmayer still talks about the German system enthusiastically, and still has great memories of his experience with the training triad of operations, vocational school and the Chamber of Crafts. Following his return to the States he kept in touch with the motor-vehicle trade before changing into socio-pedagogical support. “The foundation for everything that I have achieved was the craft and training in Koblenz,” he said in a great compliment to Mark Sherhag, who visited his former apprentice in Austin.

Education was a major concern during the visit of Koblenz delegation with representatives of the Austin Community College (ACC). There has been cooperation between the HwK and ACC since 1999, for example with the welder education of U.S. students in the Koblenz Metal and Technology Center or the COMPRO program that is supported by the European Commission and the U.S. Ministry of Education. Following up on the former, talks with Troy Defrates, professor in welding technologies took place. Understanding the importance of education exchange with a human aspect, Mark Scherhag states that: “Youth exchange has a long-standing tradition and needs to be continued.” He finds that “we have achieved much in the metalworking.” Scherhag also recalls the transatlantic cooperation stemming from the Koblenz Bundesgartenschau that Austin supported with five metal made figures (see picture), designed in the U.S. and made in Koblenz using a laser technique. The Texan motives feature saddles, lassos, horses, and cowboy boots. [During the Bundesgartenschay] the figures could be found in the area of the Basilika St. Kastor and delighted the visitors. Now, they are located outdoors next to the HwK’s Center for Nutrition and Health.

Another success story linking handicrafts and the American way of life comes from the Texan tile installation and import company “Clay Imports,” that was visited by the Koblenz delegation. On site HwK Vice President Scherhag learned that “the company thinks outside of the box and works with partners in Turkey, Morocco, and Mexico. The company owners are also interested in in a cooperation with Germany. Not so much in the area of tile manufacturing but installation techniques.” Educational workshops in exemplary business of the Koblenz region would be a possibility to improve the Americans’ artisanal “know-how” – an idea that the Texans were very receptive to.

The political dialogue was the focus of the meeting with Mayor Steve Adler. The 25th Anniversary of the Austin-Koblenz relationship was celebrated by invitation to Austin’s City Hall. In addition to highlighting past achievements, there was much talk about future developments. Mark Scherhag concluded with “On behalf of the Koblenz Chamber of Crafts,  we have presented an invitation to the [Austin] Mayor, and Steve Adler indicated his interest in visiting the Rhine-Mosel city.”

For beyond the “big politics” between Berlin and Washington, there is a relationship that continues to remain close despite the 8458 km between the cities. This relationship is shaped by the peoples of both cities. And that is good and in full of life. 

[Translation by Tristan Foy]

Become an Host Family for a Japanese High School Student!

Dear Austin community members,

Are you interested in hosting a Japanese high schooler for one or two semesters starting immediately? AFS Intercultural Programs is looking for a host family for Higashi. 15 years old in Austin, Texas. Please contact if you would like to provide a home for Higashi. Read his bio and hist family letter here.

Thank you for your consideration! 


AFS FAQ, but please don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions!

What is required of an AFS Host Family?
The opportunity to participate in your family’s daily lives and events
The same care, support, and comfort you would give another member of your family
A bed, not convertible or inflatable; sharing a room with a sibling of the same gender close in age is fine
Three quality meals, including lunches and meals eaten as a family in restaurants

Does the student speak English?
Yes, all students have a demonstrated level of proficiency in English with the goal of improving.

What is the financial obligation?
AFS students have their own spending money for social and school activities, clothes, etc. You are not required to provide spending money or an allowance.

What about medical expenses?
The student’s tuition fee includes medical insurance.

Are Host Families paid?
No, however, you will be entitled to a tax deduction each month that your AFS student stays in your home.


From Oita: Project ATX6 is going to Japan

Austin-Oita Sister Cities is proud to facilitate some of Austin's finest musicians to showcase at the Yumeiro Music Festival in Oita in October 2017! 

Project ATX6 is Austin's music export and documentary film collaboration which since 2014 each year brings six carefully selected musicians from Austin on international festival stages to represent the greater whole of Austin's vibrant, diverse, and eclectic musical talent abroad. This year, two of our sister cities will host Austin's artists, Angers in France and Oita in Japan.

Read more in the Austin American Statesman.

(photo by Letitia Smith)

From Saltillo: New President elected

The partner organization of the Austin-Saltillo Sister Cities Association, the Comité Internacional Ciudades Hermanas Saltillo has elected a new president for 2017-2018: Jesus Castilla, a longtime, passionate supporter of international relations and the sister cities relationship between Austin and Saltillo. 

Read the original article announcing the presidency in Spanish or the English translation below: 

Saltillo, Couah.  – With 31 votes at a state-wide member meeting, the Saltillo International Sister Cities Committee elected Jesus Castilla Sanchez as President for 2017-2018.
Castilla Sanchez succeeds Juan Jose Cornejo, who concluded his tenure as head of the organization. The committee met Tuesday night at the Hampton Inn.  Notary Public Alberto Fabian Villarreal oversaw the voting process.

The following functioned as vote counters:  Jose Antonio Garcia Guerra and Jesus Jimenez Alvarez; various ex-presidents served as witnesses, including:  Lupita Escartin and Mario Ricardo.  Gabriela Strozzi and Luis Torres, of the municipal president’s (mayor’s) office, officiated over the proceedings.

The Committee’s new president recognized the excellent work done by his predecessor, Cornejo Martinez.  Mr. Martinez’ accomplishments include implementation of Saltillo Day in Austin, and Austin Day in Saltillo, which will be celebrated in the coming days, along with Saltillo’s anniversary as the capitol city of Coahuila. 

Meeting participants also included:  Jorge Tafich Martinez, secretary general of UOECES; Mirna Gonzalez, president, fire fighters’ association; business owners Miguel Whelock Aguayo, Mario Ricardo Hernandez, Franscisco Javier Grijalva; and numerous business owners and committee members.

From Oita: Call for Volunteers

The Austin-Oita Sister Cities Committee is looking for volunteers at the Oita Japan Festival #OitaATX on Saturday, August 12, from 12-4 at the Asian American Resource Center.

Volunteers receive a T-shirt and $10 in festival food tickets!

If you are volunteering, please sign up TODAY at this link.  There will be a place to indicate your T-shirt size when you register. 

If you are volunteering at the festival as staff and your position is not on the registration link, please email me your T-shirt size today.

If you work at a business, please invite the people you work with.  If you have 5 or more people in a group wanting to volunteer, we are happy to list you as a sponsor for the activity you are working!

We prefer that children be 15+ to volunteer.  If they are younger, they can volunteer side-by-side with a parent overseeing their work.

(from the "call for volunteers letter" by AOSCC Chairperson Kristie Bryant, July 19. 2017)

From Oita: Promoting Sister Cities on Austin's KOOP Radio

Representatives of the Austin-Oita Sister Cities Committee Kristie, Bruce and Kamakoshi-Sensei are chatting about Austin Sister Cities and especially our city's relationship with Oita, Japan on KOOP Radio today! 

Click here and pick the The Community Pilot Show for July 18 on 91.7 Koop Radio and learn all about OitaATX Japan Festival, Austin area Japanese organizations, the history of Japanese festival and upcoming Austin-Oita projects, like the 2018 delegation!

Austin goes Saltillo - final planning meeting

The Austin-Saltillo Sister Cities Association held their last meeting before #AustinDay in Saltillo yesterday at Austin City Hall. We confirmed travel and lodging details, coordinated the gift exchange and established communication channels while outside of the U.S. A group of over 30 diverse delegates led by Council Member Pio Renteria is traveling to Saltillo, Mexico to promote international understanding, commemorate the historical relationship and to plan the next stages as sister cities. Make sure to follow the delegation on Facebook and Instagram for a unique insight into citizen-to-citizen diplomacy!